Archive for Programs - page 44

February 2010 Engage – Our Economy

February 2010 Engage – Our Economy

Although Texas has fared better than much of the country in the recent economic crisis, what corners do we need to turn to truly be in recovery? What are we doing to ensure the future health of our economy and what are the industries where…

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January 2010 Engage – Race: Progress, Division, and Inclusion

January 2010 Engage – Race: Progress, Division, and Inclusion

In “post-racial” America, race is still a very important issue for us all to consider and discuss. This is particularly the case in Central Texas, where the racial divide can sometimes seem as impenetrable as the IH35 freeway. How best do we explore the lessons…

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December 2009 Engage – Faith and Leadership

December 2009 Engage – Faith and Leadership

To what degree is faith a factor in leadership, and how does it impede or empower faith-based and other organizations? How can we use a potentially polarizing topic to bring about collaboration? Kathleen Johnson, Jim Walker, Rev. Joseph C. Parker, Jr., and Tom Spencer Speakers:…

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November 2009 Engage – Healthcare Reform

November 2009 Engage – Healthcare Reform

With all of the national fervor over healthcare reform, how are the local concerns on healthcare needs affected? What are the continued challenges for our region and what services, technologies and partnerships will help us turn the corner towards a healthier population? Shannon Meroney, Gregg…

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October 2009 Engage – Infrastructure and Community Planning

October 2009 Engage – Infrastructure and Community Planning

In the regional planning spotlights are several far-reaching plans for Austin and Central Texas: CAMPO’s 2035 Growth Concept, the City of Austin’s Comprehensive Plan, and several others. As we plan for a sustainable, vibrant and cohesive future, how do these plans fit together and what…

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May 2009 Engage – Next Steps for Community Engagement

May 2009 Engage – Next Steps for Community Engagement

This season at the Engage Speaker Series, we discussed our vision for the community: from leadership turnover to change in the political climate; from emerging economies to affordable housing. But how can you make an impact right here in Central Texas? The May Engage breakfast…

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April 2009 Engage – Real Estate Growth, Redevelopment, and Affordability

April 2009 Engage – Real Estate Growth, Redevelopment, and Affordability

What is the impact on the local market of falling home prices across the nation? With regard to affordability, how does Austin compare to other cities? Although prices remain far lower than in many parts of the country, according to the City of Austin recent…

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March 2009 Engage – A Medical School in Austin

March 2009 Engage – A Medical School in Austin

The most recent available American Hospital Association survey (2006) reports that Central Texas hospitals spent almost $500 million to care for the un- and under-insured in Central Texas. Historically, teaching hospitals, academic physicians, and residency programs form the backbone of the nation’s healthcare safety net….

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