Archive for Programs - page 43

February 2011 Engage – Behavioral Healthcare

February 2011 Engage – Behavioral Healthcare

Rarely does behavioral/mental healthcare make headlines, but we continue to experience a crisis when it comes to delivering care to all those who need it. With resources already stretched and populations continuing to grow, innovation in this arena is sorely needed. Who is providing emergency…

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January 2011 Engage – Non-Profit/For-Profit Collaborations

January 2011 Engage – Non-Profit/For-Profit Collaborations

Innovative, sustainable business models are more in demand than ever. How best can we create unique and collaborative relationships between not- and for-profit organizations? What can you do as a business and community leader to boost both bottom lines? Justin Evans and Matt Kouri Speakers:…

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December 2010 Engage – Public Safety and Race Relations

December 2010 Engage – Public Safety and Race Relations

What is the current landscape around public safety and race relations? The complexities of this intersection have long been grappled with by city leaders, and yet some posit the conversation never makes significant strides toward permanent community action. What innovations are needed to move toward…

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November 2010 Engage – Election Day

November 2010 Engage – Election Day

It’s Election Day, the polls are still open, and the legislative session is about to begin. What does today’s election and the upcoming legislative session mean for Texas, for Austin, and for you? Paul Burka and Evan Smith Speakers: Paul Burka – Senior Executive Editor,…

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October 2010 Engage – Innovate or Else

October 2010 Engage – Innovate or Else

The more we strive to keep Austin “Austin,” the more growth we see and the more we change. Is Austin truly “recession proof,” and if so, why? How can we innovate across industries and cultivate the leaders who will take us lucratively into the future?…

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May 2010 Engage – Austin’s Arts Infrastructure

May 2010 Engage – Austin’s Arts Infrastructure

As arts organizations across the nation are struggling through tough times, what does Austin’s burgeoning arts scene need to turn the corner? What are the municipal efforts to create an environment that encourages performing and visual arts as a vibrant part of our city? Do…

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April 2010 Engage – Affordable Housing

April 2010 Engage – Affordable Housing

Home affordability is required for success in all other issues facing the community – from education, to healthcare, to workforce development, to reducing Austin’s energy footprint, and more. What are the plans for creating diverse, affordable homes throughout our community? What are the challenges to…

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March 2010 Engage – Texas Politics

March 2010 Engage – Texas Politics

At the December 2008 Engage breakfast, Dallas Morning News writer Wayne Slater commented that “Texas always does worse under a Democratic president.” Is this proving true? What are we seeing in the gubernatorial race and what do we have to look forward to in November…

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