Emilia “Emmy” Alcocer-Hill (Experience Austin 2014, Emerge 9 – 2015, Essential 40 – 2019) is one of only four people in the 40-year history of Leadership Austin to participate in all three of our core programs. Of those four people, Emmy is the only one to have also participated in the Beyond Diversity seminar.
We asked her to take us on the journey that led her to Leadership Austin, through our programs, and now beyond them as an alumna. She delivered with a passionate accounting of her evolution over the past five years.
It is hard to describe what I love so much about Leadership Austin. It’s more than educational or informative; it is transformational, but in a way that you don’t realize until later.
My introduction to Leadership Austin was from the Austin Young Chamber (AYC) and Heather McKissick (Essential 19 – 1998), the former CEO of Leadership Austin. At the time, I was the AYC Board Chair and new to leadership in my work at University Federal Credit Union. The first step in my Leadership Austin journey was to attend Experience Austin. During Experience Austin, I gained a strong understanding of issues our community faces and what is influencing the direction our community is taking.
Shortly after Experience Austin, Heather McKissick and colleagues at AYC – which focuses on the development of our future leaders – encouraged me to apply for Emerge. The desire to become a stronger community leader was driving my passion to serve.
Emerge was everything I hoped for. I honed in on my internal self, and I identified who I was becoming as a leader. I discovered my true core values and decidedly began to lead my life and any team I led with my core values at the forefront of the efforts we were making. The path I was paving as an AYC board member was always with the foundation that Emerge gave me in my journey as AYC Board Chair. Although my term ended with AYC, my leadership journey had not.
Several years after graduating from Emerge, I knew it was time to tap into Essential, where I found the most fulfilling part of my Leadership Austin journey. Essential connected me to established community leaders who were just outside my inner circle but, like me, had a similar passion to Do Good for our community. However, I wasn’t prepared for what Essential would actually do for me. Everyone always says their class is the best class ever, but the class of 2019 is unquestionably the best.
Yes, Essential is about collaboration and gaining a deeper perspective of our community, but the deep connections and friendships made are lasting. The Best Class Ever took every session to heart; we got together to make things better, we stopped to listen, and we took the time to seek to understand. We held each other up when we were down, and we celebrated each and every success, from babies to promotions. My classmates have been more than that; they are family for me.

Members of Essential 40 – 2019 at the Best Party Ever in May 2019.
Beyond Diversity is a program you can never prepare for, and you should not! I was smacked in the face and punched in the gut – my heart was broken into a million pieces. It was all worth it. Beyond Diversity changed my soul and the trajectory of my life. I unknowingly plugged into the American “norm”, seemingly breezing through the systems with my white privilege in tow. I am half Mexican and moved from Mexico to the United States as a little girl. My mother is white and my father is Mexican. My last name is their last names hyphenated. As young as age 5, I knew it was easier to pronounce my white last name and that my teachers dropping my Mexican last name meant it was easier for everyone, including me. However, it also meant that my Abuelita, Aubelito, Papa, Tío, Tía and every Mexican family member were not recognized. Beyond Diversity changed me for good.
My name is Emilia “Emmy” Alcocer-Hill. It has been easy to be Emmy Hill; it has been a struggle to be Emmy Alcocer-Hill. However, I will not tire of explaining why I have two last names and how to pronounce Alcocer because Beyond Diversity gave me back my name, and I will forever be grateful.
Every lesson learned and relationship I’ve made over the years at Leadership Austin is now what I bring to my community, currently serving on the board of directors at the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. All of this explains why Leadership Austin has meant so much to me and why I am one of four people in Leadership Austin’s 40-year history to participate in Essential, Emerge and Experience Austin and, of those four, the only one who has also participated in Beyond Diversity.

Emmy’s Best Class Ever: Essential 40 – 2019
You’re amazing, Emmy! Thank you for sharing your alumni story with us – we’re so glad you’re a part of the Leadership Austin family!
Are you ready to begin your own Leadership Austin journey? The first half of 2020 will be busy – the spring session of Experience Austin begins on March 27 and applications for both Emerge and Essential are due June 30. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to learn about cohort information sessions, application writing workshops and application review sessions.
Follow the 40 Stories in 40 Days campaign on Instagram and on our website.