We are expanding our Engage series by taking the content from each breakfast and providing a free ‘on the go’ version. We want to spur community conversations on a schedule and location convenient for each person. As the research shows, the more we share and build relationships with each other — the more we grow our civic engagement capacity.
Each month we will produce a short video summary of the breakfast topic and it will be posted below. We ask you to explore opportunities to have a conversation about the topic where ever you already gather; a brown bag lunch with co-workers, neighborhood homeowners meeting, book clubs, car pools, school parents club or even just the dinner table. Be creative — the goal is to open a conversation and hear each other’s perspectives.
We encourage anyone to lead this effort and created an optional facilitation kit as a tool to guide the dialogue. We also offer free training if someone would like to expand their skills in leading community dialogue. Join in helping increase dialogue around community topics.
Leadership Austin values dialogue.

I had the opportunity at a recent conference to share innovative approaches to community engagement. I walked away even more confident then when I arrived that dialogue truly transforms us. It connects us with others, it fosters empathy and compassion for people who think differently than we do, it changes the way we see ourselves and one another, and it fundamentally enhances the ability of a community to solve problems. Julie Smith, Emerge 2011

Program Information
Facilitation Guide
Engage Breakfast Series
Engage On The Go Host Survey
Engage On The Go At a Glance
Can I lead a discussion
Everyone is welcome to lead a discussion. If you would like some assistance on the program or how to use the guide contact,
Julie Smith.
Price of Admission
Free — there is no cost to access or download the videos and we are also offering free community dialogue training for anyone interested in expanding their skills in this area.
Where can I find a discussion
Our goal would be for you to host one where ever you gather with co-workers, friends or family. We are going to pilot some conversations in local libraries and will be posting that information soon.
Where to have a conversation
Be creative — it is anywhere where people gather. We are hearing conversations at work, local libraries, in carpools, at book clubs, in Toastmasters, at church, at school and more!
Did You Know?
More than 80 Leadership Austin Alumni are leading Engage on the go around the community.