Archive for Programs - page 25

Voices from Emerge 2015: Transportation

Voices from Emerge 2015: Transportation

  Guest post from Emerge Class of 2015 graduate Erin Smith. Erin works for the Texas Legislative Council.     “[Transportation] is the glue of our daily lives. When it goes well, we don’t see it. When it goes wrong, it negatively colors our day ….

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2015 Emerge Blog & Video Series Kickoff

2015 Emerge Blog & Video Series Kickoff

  Guest post from Emerge Class of 2015 graduate Julie Remde. Julie is a Producer at Palate Films. As a proud member of the Emerge Class of 2015, I’m excited to be sharing the announcement of this blog series with you. When we began our Leadership Austin journey together…

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Info & Tickets for Feb Engage: Faith and Religion in Community Conversations

Info & Tickets for Feb Engage: Faith and Religion in Community Conversations

In Austin and across America, the question of what role faith and religion play in community discussions is quickly becoming a dividing line. The Washington Post reports that 49 percent of Americans say churches and other houses of worship “should express their views on day-to-day…

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Guest post on Essential Class Day on the Built Enviroment

Guest post on Essential Class Day on the Built Enviroment

  Guest post from Essential Class of 2015 participant Holly Tachovsky, reflecting on the December class day on the Built Environment:  Transportation, Land Use & Housing. Holly is CEO of BuildFax.   Austin is growing like mosquitos in a Hyde Park alley. But, it isn’t just…

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Finding Purpose in Austin’s Growing Economy

Finding Purpose in Austin’s Growing Economy

  Guest post from Essential 2016 Class participant Ben Loftsgaarden, reflecting on the November 2015 class day on the Austin Economy. Ben is a Partner at Greyhill Advisors. “Your circumstances can bend your commitment or your commitment can bend your circumstances.” -Excerpt from Essential class…

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New Report Released in Partnership with Leadership Austin and the Annette Strauss Institute

New Report Released in Partnership with Leadership Austin and the Annette Strauss Institute

Austinites are “cautiously optimistic” for the future of the 10-1 system of geographic representation adopted by the City of Austin in 2014 to elect city council members, according to a report conducted by the Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life at The University of Texas…

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Info & Tickets for Dec Engage Breakfast: Austin Music Scene

Info & Tickets for Dec Engage Breakfast: Austin Music Scene

The music “scene” here in the Live Music Capital of the World is evolving. The singer-songwriters who put us on the map struggle because the cost of living in Austin keeps rising and the number of smaller, local venues is dropping. We’ll take a deep dive…

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Building a Truly Authentic City

Building a Truly Authentic City

  Guest post from Essential Class of 2016 participant Kelly Nichols, reflecting on the October 2015 class day on Greater Austin’s demographics and growth. Kelly is a Principal at Woollard Nichols & Associates.   “I was drawn to Austin in the late 70’s because there was no…

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