Hey Leadership Austin Community – Help us expand list of resources for helping our neighbors
We are all in this together. For those wanting to help during this winter storm, we suggest checking on loved ones, your neighbors, your team, and intentional self-care for yourself without feeling guilty.
If after that, you still have the ability to volunteer or contribute in some way, here is a list of local organizations that could use your assistance – now and throughout the year.
This list is incomplete and we know that. As the Leadership Austin community, how might we expand and improve this list?

Official Alerts:
- City of Austin or call 3-1-1 all day, every day
- Austin Energy | power outage alerts | power outage map
- Austin Public Health (Warming Centers and more)
- Travis County
- CapMetro alerts
- Austin Independent School District
- Round Rock Independent School District
- Del Valle Independent School District
- Dripping Springs Independent School District
- Eanes Independent School District
- Lake Travis Independent School District
- Leander Independent School District
- Manor Independent School District
- Pflugerville Independent School District
How to Help (or get help) Guides
- Get Ready Central Texas
- Winter Storm helpful resources – Texas Tribune
- How To Get & Give Help During Austin’s Winter Storm – The Austin Common
- 32 Volunteer Opportunities in Austin – ATX Today
Disaster Relief, Volunteer and Action Organizations:
- Austin Area Urban League
- Austin Disaster Relief Network
- Austin Latino Coalition
- Austin Mutual Aid
- Red Cross – Central and South Texas
Community resources and folks doing systems work:
What groups in the Austin region are missing? What additional resources and opportunities could we add? What resources are available in multiple languages? Kindly email Jill at jgoodman@leadershipaustin.org
Stay safe. Stay warm. We are all in this together.