Congratulations to the members of Leadership Austin Essential Class 44. This is the forty-fourth Essential class since the program’s inception in 1979 and we wish to congratulate and welcome these individuals who were selected this year.
Shahreen Abedin
Dell Medical School at UT Austin

Alejandra Adán

Christopher Alberts
Health Alliance for Austin Musicians
Sam Alexander
Capital Metro

Gina Anderson
Broadway Bank

Brian Carter
YMCA of Austin

Katie Casstevens
Austin Independent School District

Janki DePalma
Kirksey Architecture
Laura Elmore
Sobering Center

Servando Esparza

Michael Files
Civic Leader

Francisco Garcia
Wayside Schools

Haley Gardiner
The University of Texas – Dell Medical School

Brenda Garza
Dell Medical School & UT Austin Population Health and Equity

Samuel Gervase
It’s Time Texas

Greta Gonzales
Texas Mutual Insurance
Britney Wehrfritz
Dell Technologies

Danielle Hammett
Austin Board of Realtors

Dara Harmon
Sam Hayes
City of Austin

Lisa Madsen
Madsen Psychiatry, PA
Zeeshan Malik
DuBois Bryant & Campbell LLP
Yulanda McCarty-Harris
University of Texas at Austin
Ivanna Neri
Nicole Netherton
Travis Audubon Society

Janice Omadeke
The Mentor Method

Ryan Orendorf

Kristen Pierce-Vreeke
Civic Leader
Kenley Reed
Christopher Rios
Wells Fargo
Timothy Ruttan
US Acute Care Solutions – Dell Med

Nicole Seltman
Teach For America Austin

Paola Silvestre Porras
Greg Smith
Windsor Group Advisory & Management
Chris Sundlof
University Federal Credit Union

Chivas Watson
United Consulting