Experience Austin Spring 2018 Registration Open

Experience Austin Spring 2018 Registration Open

Registration is now open for Leadership Austin’s Spring 2018 Experience Austin program. Experience Austin is a fast-paced introduction into the latest community issues in our vibrant and changing city. Great for newcomers and long-time Austinites alike, the program takes you through key community issues shaping our future and provides the resources necessary to plug in and help make a difference — in just five weeks!

Topics include: Demographic Trends & Implications, Housing, Land Use & Transportation, Our Economic Climate, Education & Workforce Development and Civic Engagement & Community.

Join us for this five part series:

  • Friday, March 23, from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm and
  • Mondays, March 26, April 9, 16 & 23 from 5:00 – 8:30 pm

Registration is $785.00 which includes meals and refreshments. Payment plans available; please contact Christopher Kennedy ckennedy@leadershipaustin.org for more information.


Experience Austin is Presented by