How do we help those who are getting left behind? A look at post-secondary education as the key to success
As our country wrestles through the multitude of things that divide us, it is important that we don’t lose sight of that fact that many are struggling with access to jobs that provide a pathway to wage growth. This month we’ll be looking at this issue through the lens of education. We’ll explore what happens when someone has the opportunity to achieve a post-secondary credential. Should everyone go to college? Is this a defining factor that determines whether or not someone has access to the American dream? Join us to discuss the educational realities of creating a level playing field for job access and wage stability.
Sheri Bonds, Director of Career and Technical Education, RRISD
Gigi Bryant, Business Owner, ACC Board
Susan Dawson, President and Executive Director, E3 Alliance
7:30 – 9:00 am
Palmer Events Center
Tickets are $25.00. Breakfast included.
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