fastforward 2010 – Session III: The New Regionalism

fastforward 2010 – Session III: The New Regionalism

Moderator Jon Roberts (TIP Strategies, Inc.) led the distinguished panel – Tom Mason (LCRA), Charles Heimsath (Capitol Market Research), Todd Hemingson (Capital Metro), Sean Compton (Congress for the New Urbanism), Jesus Garza (Seton Family of Hospitals), and Bill Glavin (TxDOT) – in an interesting look at regional planning issues that confront Central Texas governments, agencies, businesses, and non-profits as all emerge from the economic recession.

Session III Moderator John Roberts

Especially pertinent were discussions of ways to accomodate physical growth (both in terms of population and land consumption) in smart, enivronmentally sustainable, and socially equitable ways by making wise public and private investment in infrastructure and indeed all of the built environment.

References from the discussion:


  • Part 1 of 2: Tom Mason, Charles Heimsath, Todd Hemingson, and Sean Compton
  • Part 2 of 2: Jesus Garza, Bill Glavin, and Q&A
Download these audio files: Part 1 | Part 2

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